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Showing posts from January, 2013

Should've Kept My Mouth Shut

As mentioned in the previous post, 2013 has been a good year so far. Everything seems tickety-boo. Sorted out a new flat with a diamond flatmate, the mood has been great, I've got into a great routine at work where I get things done in good time and I'm actually quite happy. I've been telling people how great everything's been...and there's my problem. As soon as I share a bit of happiness, as soon as I feel good about myself and life in general I share this and it's like a beacon to the pricks of the world. I might as well have taken out an advert in "Obstenant Egocentric Arsehole Monthly" saying "As things are going so well here's an open invitation to any pea-brained pillock with an attitude problem to kick me in the bollocks! Here! I've painted a target for you so that you can see it from your vantage point of being up your own arse!" And life comes back to normal.

National Trying My Patience Day Passes Without Incident

A fairly amazing thing has happened in 2013. I have honestly, genuinely been in a very good, positive and happy frame of mind. Every day has been a joy and people at work have been confused by this strange thing on my face. I have named it a "smile". Today I have encountered not one but at least three attempts by the world in general to ruin this revolution and I'm hoping that be cataloging them here it will allow this bump in the road to be flattened. 1. The Pointless Viewing I'm currently flat hunting. My good friend and I have decided to look for a place together to save a few pennies. We were down to look at a couple of flats on the estate my friend is currently on last week. We viewed the first one, and liked it, but then got a call from the other estate agent to say that they couldn't show us the other flat because they couldn't get hold of the key. That didn't fill us with confidence. Today, I finally managed to see that mysterious flat. I pulled in...