Can I recommend "Fat Bloke Slims" by Bruce Byron?
I've decided to take the old Weigh In Wednesday seriously, finally, and try losing some weight. With that in mind I went to find some healthy cookery books for single men who live on their own and, surprise surprise, bugger all there but this book caught my eye.
The author is an actor (he plays DC Terry Perkins in The Bill apparently) who noticed he was a mere 3 stone overweight and decided to do something about it.
It's full of the same advice I've read a thousand times before but, refreshingly, didn't promise to make you slim. He makes it obvious that the first thing you need to do is make the decision, properly to sort yourself out and keep that in mind whenever a food or drink choice comes your way.
It's not a manual for success, it's just him telling you what he's done and why. I did find it inspiring. I realise it's only week one but I've started to do at least an hour of exercise a day and already feel great. I've decided not to have any take away at all this week, eating out is probably not on the cards anyway because of having to save a bit of cash so that's helped!
I don't know if I've lost any weight this week but I feel a lot better already.
That said, I am going to treat myself to a McDonald's breakfast this morning (and work it off later) and tomorrow being my birthday I'm planning a few scoops so we'll see. It might be undoing some good work but I'm putting new habits into place and what with only having one birthday a year the Monday drink-fest is hardly likely to become habit.....wouldn't have thought so anyway!
I've decided to take the old Weigh In Wednesday seriously, finally, and try losing some weight. With that in mind I went to find some healthy cookery books for single men who live on their own and, surprise surprise, bugger all there but this book caught my eye.
The author is an actor (he plays DC Terry Perkins in The Bill apparently) who noticed he was a mere 3 stone overweight and decided to do something about it.
It's full of the same advice I've read a thousand times before but, refreshingly, didn't promise to make you slim. He makes it obvious that the first thing you need to do is make the decision, properly to sort yourself out and keep that in mind whenever a food or drink choice comes your way.
It's not a manual for success, it's just him telling you what he's done and why. I did find it inspiring. I realise it's only week one but I've started to do at least an hour of exercise a day and already feel great. I've decided not to have any take away at all this week, eating out is probably not on the cards anyway because of having to save a bit of cash so that's helped!
I don't know if I've lost any weight this week but I feel a lot better already.
That said, I am going to treat myself to a McDonald's breakfast this morning (and work it off later) and tomorrow being my birthday I'm planning a few scoops so we'll see. It might be undoing some good work but I'm putting new habits into place and what with only having one birthday a year the Monday drink-fest is hardly likely to become habit.....wouldn't have thought so anyway!